How will the Project impact families for the better?
Childcare in Mungindi will:
● provide early childhood education and give our children the best opportunity to develop through the provision of trained staff and purpose built facilities.
● provide opportunities for ALL children to have equal and accessible access to education and social interaction.
● provide Aboriginal children with quality Early Childhood Education (ECE) and be supported to embrace their culture and identity for a strong start to lifelong learning through trained staff who are engaged with the local community.
● provide social interaction for children who can be socially isolated due to the remoteness of the town.
● enable parents in our community to take up jobs in education, health, farming enterprises and business.
● provide opportunities for single parents, or both parents, to be active in the workforce and ensure that lack of childcare is not a barrier for women to take part in employment.
The following Proposal has been developed based on discussions with State and Federal members, the NSW/QLD Departments of Education, Moree Plains Shire Council (MPSC) Balonne Shire Council (BSC), MCEA (Mungindi Community Education Association) & MCCS (Mungindi Community Children’s Services).
● MPSC to oversee a Long Day Care Service in Mungindi until the end of 2026 at the latest.
● The service would also aim to provide before and after school care and vacation care for school aged children.
This Proposal would see the Mungindi community being offered childcare and education from early childhood through to Year 12, benefiting all residents, especially our children.
To realise this Proposal the following support is required:
● NSW & Queensland Governments through their Departments of Education, to provide support for childcare services including approvals and infrastructure as appropriate.
● Federal Government to provide financial support to ensure the viability of the Proposal through the approved funding of $900,000 for establishment ($300,000) and ongoing operational costs ($600,000).
●Co-contribution of $300,000 to fulfil grant requirements has been transferred to MPSC to complete the building.
●An additional $250,000 to complete this project.
Successful Grant Applications:
●NAB Community Foundation Grant - a successful application was approved for $25,000 to go towards the project. In honour and appreciation, we will be naming the sleeping room - ‘The NAB ROOM’. Thank you so much to NAB for their support for Mungindi.
●Graincorp Community Grant - a successful application was approved for $10,000 to go towards the purchase of a rain tank and pump for the facility. Thank you very much to Graincorp for their continued support in the Mungindi Community.
A huge thank you to Marathon Modular for their wonderful partnership to bring this facility together in such a short time frame. Their commitment and professionalism has been nothing short of amazing.